The newest fractioned wavelength technology designed for patients who are beginning their skin care journey is here. Introducing MOXI by Sciton, a laser skin treatment that uses a 1927 thulium laser to improve skin tone and texture.

What to Expect

MOXI is a fast, low pain procedure that produces a fresh, bright, more youthful appearance. The treatment takes just under 30 minutes and requires little to no downtime. Patients will notice results after just one treatment, and with continued treatments, your skin will shine its brightest. MOXI can be combined with other treatments such as lip fillers and BBL Photofacials to refresh your skin’s appearance.

MOXI is beneficial for:

  • Uneven pigmentation
  • Tone and texture
  • Light sun damage and skin aging
  • Rejuvenation – stave off the visible signs of aging before they appear.
  • Long-term maintenance – extend the results of more aggressive laser & light procedures and maintain the appearance of healthy skin over the long term.

Why Choose Annapolis Plastic Surgery for MOXI

Annapolis Plastic Surgery provides expert care and treatment when it comes to laser skin services. Contact us today for more information about MOXI and to schedule a consultation.