Arm Lift

When you raise your arms, does it result in an embarrassing moment as your “wings” (loose flesh and fat deposits) drop-down and wiggle around for a while? Have you trained yourself not to gesture emphatically, just to avoid this kind of embarrassment? Have you stopped wearing tanks tops, camisoles, and even short-sleeved blouses?

If so, you may be a perfect candidate for brachioplasty.

A brachioplasty, also referred to as arm lift, is a surgical procedure that tightens and reshapes the upper arms. It also removes extra skin and fat tissue from the region. For patients with more skin laxity, an arm lift can be done with either a small incision hidden in the armpit or one that extends to the elbow for maximum contour improvement.

When Working Out Doesn’t Help

Maybe you’ve tried to solve this irritating problem with weight resistance exercises. Fortunately, in the past 20 years, plastic surgeons have perfected body contouring procedures. We’ve done this to help people who’ve had gastric bypass surgery, to relieve them of the loose skin left covering their bodies after a massive weight loss. We can apply the same techniques to people with localized problems.

What to Expect: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who is a good candidate for arm lift brachioplasty surgery?

If you have lost a significant amount of weight that has found you to have excess loose skin on the underside of your upper arms, this procedure is for you. While you can certainly improve the appearance of your upper arms with exercise and a good diet, you can still be left with loose hanging skin that will not go away. Here are several reasons why you might be a good candidate for an upper arm lift:

  • Significant weight loss resulting in loose hanging skin
  • Skin laxity resulting from aging
  • Your weight is now relatively stable
  • You are not significantly overweight
  • You are in good health with no medical conditions that could cause problems with healing or recovery
  • You don’t smoke
  • You are committed to maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle

What will be the results of arm lift brachioplasty?

The result is beautiful, balanced and proportioned arm contours. You become more confident and comfortable in clothing, especially revealing tops. You’ll see a natural and presentable appearance following the first week that just gets better over the next three to six months.

How does arm lift brachioplasty work? 

Crescent or “smile”-shaped segments of skin and fat underneath the skin are removed from the upper arm, and the remaining skin and tissue are lifted to achieve a tighter, smoother effect. Sometimes liposuction alone is all that is needed to solve the problem (we will determine this at your consultation). In that case, only small inconspicuous incisions are made. Otherwise, the incision may be concealed within the armpit or down the inside of the arm inconspicuously.

How to prepare for surgery: 

We’ll prepare you fully for your arm lift. Our verbal and written instructions will cover whatever you need to know before your surgery, including:

  • Eating, drinking and smoking guidelines
  • Which vitamins and medications to avoid
  • Supplies needed to aid your recovery
  • What to expect at every stage pre- and post-op

What’s the arm lift brachioplasty procedure like? 

A very light general anesthesia is usually administered. Then, an incision is made on the inside or back of the arm depending on the doctor’s preference. Excess fat is removed, and then the arm is resealed with stitches.

How long is recovery time for arm lift brachioplasty?

Expect to be off from work for about seven days. Swelling and bruising are mild to moderate and peak at two to three days, then disappear rapidly over the next three weeks. You can resume many activities within the first week, and most by at least three weeks. You may still feel stiff and sore for a few days. Even though the newer techniques reduce some post-operative discomforts, you may still experience some pain, burning, swelling, bleeding, and temporary numbness. It is normal to feel a bit anxious or depressed in the days or weeks following surgery.

You can usually resume vigorous exercise after approximately four to six weeks. Scar care with our techniques is imperative after this surgery, and we will show you exactly how to do it. If you are fit when you have this operation, you will recover much more quickly than if you are out of shape.

What about arm lift brachioplasty scars? 

The surgery does produce a permanent scar that varies from barely visible to quite visible. Time will tell how well you scar.

Who should NOT undergo this procedure? 

Situations when Arm Lift Brachioplasty surgery is not suitable:

  • After a mastectomy (breast removal) or removal of an axillary lymph node.
  • Multiple infections of the sweat glands may contraindicate brachioplasty.
  • If you are considering losing excess weight, you should wait until after your target weight is met before having this operation.
  • If you have experienced healing problems with any past surgical treatments or if you are prone to keloids (red, angry, raised) scars.
  • If you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, your surgery may have to be postponed.

Why Choose Dr. Chappell in Annapolis for an Arm Lift

If you are interested in an arm lift, Annapolis Plastic Surgery provides expert care. Schedule an appointment with Dr. James Chappell to see if you are a good candidate for an arm lift and learn more.

Before & After Photos

I had two different procedures completed by these great doctors. Dr. Ambro did my full facelift and all I can say is AMAZING. Dr. Ambro is kind, caring and respectful of what you want to accomplish. He walks you through every step along the way. I knew exactly what I was getting into and what the outcome would be. He is there for your entire journey, from the beginning to the end. How many doctors... Read more
*Disclaimer: results may vary
B. Peter