As the most prominent feature of the face, the nose has a profound effect on facial identity. A large or crooked nose can lead to facial imbalance and detract from other attractive facial features. Male rhinoplasty, sometimes referred to as a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that can:

  • Reshape the nose
  • Enhance facial proportions and balance
  • Boost self-confidence
  • Repair structural defects in the nose

The American Society of Plastic Surgeons reports that more than 65,000 male rhinoplasty procedures were performed in 2020. This accounted for approximately 20% of the rhinoplasties performed.

With male rhinoplasty, men can ensure the nose complements the cheeks, chin, eyes and other facial features. Rhinoplasty has been shown to help men enhance facial symmetry, improve the shape and/or size of the nose, and minimize the appearance of imperfections on the bridge of the nose.

This procedure will be performed by Dr. Bryan Ambro, who has performed over 2,000 primary and revision rhinoplasty procedures. When looking to achieve the best possible rhinoplasty result, an experienced surgeon is a great place to start.


Obstructed nasal breathing can be due to various reasons, such as an old nasal fracture, a deviated septum, or collapsed nasal valve. These may contribute to snoring, restless sleep, and decreased exercise tolerance.

Functional rhinoplasty is recommended to correct these structural problems, which are typically covered by medical insurance.

It is not uncommon to have these breathing improvements performed in conjunction with cosmetic refinements in order to achieve a nose that breaths and looks fantastic.

Before & After Photos

Rhinoplasty FAQs

How is the rhinoplasty procedure performed?

Our rhinoplasty procedures are typically performed by Dr. Bryan Ambro under general anesthesia at our comfortable and convenient surgery center in the Sajak Pavilion at the Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis. There are a variety of techniques that Dr. Ambro performs for rhinoplasty. This may involve either an open or closed surgical technique.

For the open surgery technique, an incision is made to expose the bone and cartilage, which is then reshaped for a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. A closed rhinoplasty involves making incisions on the inside of the nostril. Generally, this technique is for more minor revisions.

All incisions will be placed in well-hidden areas and meticulously closed with dissolvable sutures. The technique chosen is done on an individualized basis so that the best, most natural-appearing result can be achieved.

How does male rhinoplasty differ from rhinoplasty for women?

Male and female rhinoplasty procedures are similar, though the aesthetic goals associated with these nose surgeries differ. Men frequently undergo rhinoplasty surgery to straighten the nasal bridge and increase the width to the middle of the nose. Comparatively, women often undergo nose job surgery to address a nose that is too wide or a nose that gives the appearance of a droopy tip.

How much downtime will there be?

We recommend that patients take a week off from school or work after having a rhinoplasty procedure. An external splint/cast will be placed on the nose to aid in healing and is removed 5-7 days after the procedure. Swelling and/or bruising are common to experience and will gradually decrease over 1-2 weeks.

I had a nose job from another doctor, but I’m unhappy with the results. What can I do?

Dr. Ambro offers revision rhinoplasty to reshape the nose after a previous rhinoplasty procedure in order to improve the cosmetic outcome and/or breathing function. It is generally recommended that you wait 6-12 months from the date of your first surgery before having a revision procedure.

Will my insurance cover my rhinoplasty?

The cosmetic aspects of a rhinoplasty procedure are not covered by medical insurance. However, your insurance may cover the cost of the reconstructive portions of procedures, which are performed to improve breathing function. We will handle any necessary billing components to ensure that you receive your maximum insurance benefits towards your surgery.

How long is the surgery?

The length of surgery varies from one patient to another but generally ranges from 2-4 hours. You will remain at our surgery center under supervision until you recover from the anesthesia.

What is a deviated septum?

The septum is made of bone and cartilage and is what separates the nose into two chambers. In some cases, the septum is not straight and can be “deviated” or “crooked”. This misalignment can cause an obstruction in the nasal passages and cause difficulty when breathing. To fix this, Dr. Ambro can perform either a septoplasty or a septorhinoplasty in conjunction with a rhinoplasty.

I had three rhinoplasty operations over the years, but still had some issues with the left nostril. Dr. Ambro was patient and thorough. He checked out the operative report on the last surgery, analyzed what the issue was, and then offered up what could be done. Note that he didn't RECOMMEND what should be done, but gave possible solutions to my issue. He also gave a realistic prognosis of the outcome of several procedures. Once... Read more
*Disclaimer: results may vary
Robert M.