brown hair female holding up a photo of large ear

When To Choose Otoplasty

Everyone’s features are unique to them, and for many are defining of their identity. For patients with large protruding ears, they may feel embarrassed by their appearance. Many patients do not want their ears to be their prominent feature. When a patient feels self-conscious of a feature, it may begin to negatively impact their personal and professional life. Otoplasty can provide a long-term treatment for protruding ears.

Otoplasty Annapolis, MD

Otoplasty is an outpatient procedure that Dr. Bryan Ambro will perform from the comfort of our Anne Arundel Medical Center in Annapolis, MD. Dr. Ambro will go review the procedure with you and or your child so you understand the process and can feel confident in the ways it will benefit you. The procedure will take a few days to fully heal. Protruding or prominent ears are often recognized early in a child’s life. Dr. Ambro can meet with you and your child and together you can determine when surgery would be best. Dr. Ambro often encourages parents to wait until their children’s ears are fully developed for optimal and lasting results. Otoplasty is most successful when performed on children as the cartilage is still highly pliable for more natural results and to avoid childhood bullying or embarrassment. If you are an adult and feel unhappy with the aesthetics of your ears, Dr. Ambro can still perform otoplasty. In a personalized consultation, Dr. Ambro will discuss treatment options with you and help you understand the realistic results. Our compassionate and highly trained team is here to help you achieve your cosmetic goals so you can regain your confidence and improve the quality of your life.

Choosing Dr. Ambro

Dr. Bryan Ambro is a double certified facial plastic surgeon with extensive training and experience in reconstructive procedures. He is highly experienced in the otoplasty procedure and provides natural and aesthetically pleasing results.