Older couple walking the dog on the beach

Tips for a Speedy Recovery Following Liposuction

Liposuction_Annapolis-Plastic-Surgery                     Liposuction is the second most popular plastic surgery procedure in the United States. This procedure can be life-changing for many people and can be a great way to boost your confidence in your appearance. In any situation, surgery is taxing on your body, however, the recovery period is different for everyone. Many people go into a surgical procedure not knowing what to do or expect afterward, except to lay in bed and rest. While this is an essential part of the recovery process, there are other steps you can take to speed up your recovery timeline, especially when it comes to Liposuction. After liposuction, you will feel dazed as your body begins to adjust to its new form. Expect some pain, swelling, and bruising to occur. Some tips for a speedy recovery include:

  • Avoid nicotine and smoking – Liposuction impacts your blood vessels and blood flow to your skin. Nicotine halts blood flow and can create complications for your recovery. To ensure a swift recovery, you will need to quit smoking two months prior to your surgery date.
  • Consume a nutritional diet before and after your surgery – It is important to eat well before and after your surgery to aid recovery. Fresh fruits and vegetables will help limit inflammation and boost recovery.
  • Stay hydrated – Hydration is an essential part of a successful, speedy recovery. You will need to consume water in moderation throughout the day. A helpful tip: if you get tired of water on its own, try infusing fruits such as strawberries, lemons, and oranges into your water.
  • Stay active after surgery – Strenuous exercise such as weightlifting, running/jogging, and carrying heavy objects, is NOT recommended for at least 2 weeks after surgery. Light movement (short walks) is useful for desensitizing nerves and preventing blood clots from potentially forming.

These tips will help improve your recovery period after liposuction. Knowing what to expect during the recovery can help you make a better-informed decision to undergo liposuction and enjoy the journey to a slimmer, more contoured body. To schedule a consultation with Dr. James Chappell, contact Annapolis Plastic Surgery today.