What is a Neck Lift?
Published byMay 2021
Are you tired of sagging skin in your neck/chin region? Fortunately, there is a way to fix it! A neck lift is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that addresses excessive skin in the neck or lower part of the face. It can remove the excess skin and fat and tighten the skin, creating a more youthful neckline and appearance. The ideal candidates for neck lifts are generally in good health, have no medical conditions that will affect the healing process, are nonsmokers, and have realistic expectations regarding their desired results. Because this is an invasive procedure, your doctor will administer anesthesia before proceeding. There are many improvements that the surgeon may perform, including: Removal, sculpting of excess fat Redraping and repositioning of skin, and sagging muscle Your doctor will give you specific instructions to follow before you go home, and it’s critical to follow them closely. These ensure that you’ll achieve the best possible results and recover as quickly as possible. You will likely have a drain placed near the incision site to keep fluid from building up and causing uncomfortable swelling. It’s imperative to keep your head elevated and to move your neck as little as possible so that the stitches remain intact. Residual bruising and swelling may last for several weeks or more, but as you heal, you will see the improved contours of your neck and jawline. The result of a neck lift lasts for ten years or more in most cases. This result can be maintained and extended by adopting a healthy skin routine that includes sunscreen and quality skincare products. Before you pursue a neck lift, it is crucial to select an experienced surgeon to perform the procedure. Dr. Bryan Ambro of Annapolis Surgery offers many years of extensive surgical experience aimed to provide you with natural, desired results. Call today to see if you are a good candidate for a neck lift.