
BroadBand Light HERO: The Swiss Army Knife of Laser Aesthetic

Your skin speaks volumes about you without ever saying a word. Our skin endures more damage as we get older due to sun exposure, genetics, and gravity. Many people turn to laser facial treatments to alter these but are worried about potential risks. Fortunately, Annapolis Plastic Surgery offers a new, easy laser treatment that can fix these in just minutes.

BroadBand Light High Energy Rapid Output™ (BBL HERO) is the newest intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy designed by Sciton Aesthetic & Medical Laser to treat various skin conditions such as acne, age spots, sunspots, wrinkles, and hair removal.

Named one of the “Best Innovations” in 2021 by NewBeauty magazine due to its effectiveness and unmatched speed, the BBL HERO uses cutting-edge technology to keep your skin looking and feeling fresh. It delivers gentle heat to the skin at 3x the power of other laser facial treatments.

The BBL HERO is in the same family as facial treatments like the BBL Photofacial and Forever Young BBL that provide effective non-invasive treatment. Compared to both, this new technology greatly improves the rate at which IPLs are delivered, ensuring more powerful and lasting results.

BBL HERO can be used anywhere on the body. Popular areas include the face and large areas of the body such as the chest, back, arms, and legs. The treatment is quick and easy – within minutes, you’ll be able to carry on with the rest of your day.

Most patients see noticeable improvements in their skin within one to two weeks after a BBL HERO treatment. For lasting results, we recommend continued treatments spread out several weeks apart.

If you are looking for a quick, effective skin treatment that is non-invasive, BBL HERO is just what you’re looking for. The ideal BBL HERO candidate is someone who:

  • Wants to reduce the appearance of acne scars, wrinkles, and fine lines
  • Wants to rejuvenate and refresh their skin
  • Wants to eliminate stubborn or patchy hair
  • Wants to flaunt a more youthful appearance