
Benefits of an Arm Lift

Warm weather means spending more time outdoors. Whether you’re at the beach, exercising, or grilling at a barbecue, these activities usually call for wearing revealing clothing.

For some people who have loose, saggy skin on their arms, it can feel embarrassing to do something like waving to a friend or wearing a sleeveless shirt in public.

Several factors contribute to excessive sagging skin on the arms, including weight loss and genetics. After losing weight, many people struggle with excess skin, especially on their underarms. This can cause them to feel insecure about their appearance; fortunately, there is a solution to this pesky problem.

Brachioplasty, more commonly known as an arm lift, is one of the most popular surgical cosmetic procedures that reshapes and contours the upper arm while eliminating excess fat and skin. It is a safe and effective procedure that alters the appearance of your upper arm.

Some benefits of an arm lift include:

  • Removes Excess Fat and Skin – Arm lifts target excess fat and skin between the elbow and the armpit. Liposuction is often used for arm lifts to remove the excess fat.
  • Better Shape – An arm lift reshapes the appearance and smooths out the feel of your arm, leaving you with a more proportional figure.
  • Improved Self-Esteem – The results of an arm lift are beautiful, balanced, and long-lasting arm contours, leaving you with a slimmer appearance to show off.

The ideal candidate for an arm lift is someone who:

  • Does not smoke
  • Is committed to a healthy diet and lifestyle
  • Is not significantly overweight

Recovery time from an arm lift usually takes one to three weeks. Unfortunately, there is scarring after this procedure. Dr. Chappell is a board-certified plastic surgeon specializing in brachioplasty and can work with you to decrease scarring with ease, allowing you to be confident in your appearance.

If you are interested in an arm lift, call the office of Annapolis Plastic Surgery to learn more and to schedule a consultation with Dr. Chappell.