Life After Liposuction
Published byJan 2023
Liposuction is a plastic surgery procedure that uses a suction technique to remove fat from the body. This procedure is offered at Annapolis Plastic Surgery by Dr. Chappell, a board-certified plastic surgeon with over 2 decades of experience. This procedure can give reduced contours on one’s stomach, waist, abdomen, hips, thighs, along with other places.
The ideal candidate for liposuction is someone who has tried dieting and exercise for fat loss but has not been successful due to pockets of fat not responding correctly. Age can be a factor when considering if one is a good candidate for liposuction. A more important factor would be the elasticity of their skin. In terms of pain, the procedure is known to not be overly painful though you may feel pain, weakness, and drowsiness immediately after.
After learning about liposuction, it is common to wonder what happens after the procedure is performed. How long does it take to heal? How is scarring? What are some side effects? We have answered these along with other commonly asked post-liposuction questions below!
Common Side Effects
When considering liposuction you need to remember to have realistic goals for the procedure. Even before receiving the procedure, Dr. Chappell will brief you on recovery. Most commonly, people will experience bruising, swelling, and soreness. All three of these side effects are totally normal. However, it is important to pay close attention to your pain and post-procedure side effects. You will be in a compression garment that will aid in preventing excess swelling. You also will be prescribed pain medication to control pain. In addition, some patients experience numbness. Though alarming, this is a normal side effect of liposuction.
Scarring is another concern for many. But Dr. Chappell will share advice and tips to minimize the likelihood of prominent scaring. Winter is the perfect time to look into procedures like liposuction since you won’t have to worry about being in the sun much as the sun worsens scars. In general, most people will have very small and faint scars after surgery. This is because the incisions are tiny. Usually, scars will fade in six months to a year though this does depend on the patient.
Resuming Normal Life + Maintaining
With liposuction being a permanent procedure, you will need some downtime. 2 weeks post-procedure is probably when you will begin feeling like yourself again, though this varies. In terms of physical activity, you may need to wait a little longer to participate in the exercise. You do not want to rush the recovery process as it could affect your results. Once Dr. Chappell gives you the go-ahead, you will be able to get back into physical activity. It is important to note that liposuction does not prevent you from gaining weight so you still want to ensure you are always working to maintain or reach your goals.
It is important to have realistic expectations before and after getting liposuction. The exact amount of fat that Dr. Chappell can remove depends on multiple factors. This complicated procedure makes it hard to perfectly predict results. As discussed above, maintaining a post-liposuction body requires commitment and dedication. In addition, you must stay patient and optimistic while healing.
A common misconception is that liposuction is an easy way out. This is most definitely not the case. Even if you are exercising multiple times a week and eating healthy, there could be areas of your body that are exercise-resistant which makes liposuction a perfect method for contouring and tightening up one’s body.
Here at Annapolis Plastic Surgery, our top priority is our patients. We evaluate our patient’s health to ensure they are a good candidate for liposuction. We also make sure our patient correctly understands the goals of liposuction and the benefits it brings. We never want to exaggerate the benefits of this procedure. We offer transparency and clarity.
If liposuction sparks your interest, feel free to check out our gallery for before and after photos and give us a call at (410) 226- 7215 to schedule a consultation.